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The house in the Bertholdstraße 24

Das Haus Bertholdstraße 24 heute (Sammlung: Kerstin Macher)

Photo: The house Bertholdstraße 24 today (Collection: Kerstin Macher)

A letter dated 16 June 1933 shows that Max Kretzer from Schleusingen, a member of SA, wanted to register a footwear retailer in May of the same year. According to the decision (without date), the city magistrate "could not recognize a public need for the establishment of a new footwear store in Schleusingen, Georg-Ernststr. 4". Max Kretzer had worked for several years as a "member of the reinforced police protection" in Schleusingen "under secrecy", whereby from 1937-1941 he was unfit for service due to illness. It was not until September 1941 that he resumed this work and committed himself again as auxiliary policeman.

However Kretzer did not remain inactive and bought in July 1938 the property Bertholdstr. 24 from the Schleusinger Robert Walz for 18,500 RM, who had already bought it in October 1936 from the Jewish family Friedericka Daniel and their son Julius Daniel for allegedly 12,000 RM. This purchase contract contains the passage that the Daniel family could remain living in the upper apartment until 31 October 1936 for a "compensation of 50 RM, which can be retained from the purchase price". Perfide, however, is the reason given by Max Kretzer, who, after the confiscation in 1946, justified the purchase of Mr Walz's office building:

"So the motive for the sale was: Mr. Daniel wanted to get his finances in order by selling the house (he had about 12.000 RM debts to pay)."

That's exactly what Julius Daniel did. He used the entire proceeds to pay off his debts and thus had no means to finance his emigration. The dealer Max Kretzer was able to open a new shoe shop in Bertholdstr. 24 after the conclusion of the purchase contract.