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Facts and figures

On this page you will find an overview of interesting facts about Jewish life in Schleusingen.

Jewish Life in Schleusingen from the Early Beginnings to the End of the Jewish Community 1942

Jewish life in Schleusingen can be proven from the 13th century onwards. How Jewish life in Schleusingen has developed over the years can be read in the following treatises. With a click on the link you can download one PDF file each.

Jewish life from its beginnings to the 19th century

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Jewish Life in the 19th Century

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Development in the 20th century until the end of the Jewish community in 1942

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The Fates of the Last Jewish Schleusinger Women and Women

In the following PDF file you will find a short summary of the fates of the Jewish Schleusinger women and men.
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Development of the population of Schleusingen and its Jewish inhabitants in the course of time

On the following page you can see the population figures of the city of Schleusingen, the population figures of the Jewish population and an overview of the named Jewish families in Schleusingen.
To the population figures

All Jewish persons of the city Schleusingen

In the following PDF file you will find a list of all Jewish persons in the city of Schleusingen.
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Schleusinger National Socialists

In the following PDF file you will find a treatise on National Socialists from Schleusingen.
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