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Das Klavier von Ernst Lang

The house in Langen Gasse No. 141 - property and decay

Abgebrannten Häuser in der Langen Gasse

Photo: View of the houses burnt down on 14 August 1876 in Langen Gasse/ today Bertholdstraße (house no. 141 far right: inn "Zum König von Preußen" 1815 - 1865), source: Natural History Museum Bertholdsburg Castle

Geschäftshaus Lange Gasse 141

Photo: Business building Lange Gasse 141

 Anzeige im Henneberger Kreisblatt, Übertragung der Firma „Rudolf Lang“

Photo: Transfer of the company "Rudolf Lang", which Hermann Lang had managed until then, to his son Harry Lang, advertisement in the Henneberger Kreisblatt from 25 February 1928

On August 18, 1938 Heinrich Opitz from Waldenburg bought the property together with the inventory from Hermann Lang for 18,000 RM and continued the business. "The purchaser also grants Hermann Lang, his wife Klara and his sister Lina "a right of residence for a period of one year from September 1 of this year, in the back building of the sold property. [...] The seller is non-Aryan. The buyer is Aryan."

HO Bekleidungshaus

Photo: HO clothing store, Bertholdstraße 22, from the collection of Hans Schulz

Haus des Kindes

Photo: "Haus des Kindes", from the collection of Silke Grüber

On 1 August 1988 a change of legal entity takes place: The Opitz family transfers the house at Bertholdstraße 22 to the town council of Schleusingen/KWV. It is in a desolate state, so the city decides to demolish the house.

Abriss Bertholdstraße 22

Photo: Demolition of Bertholdstraße 22 in 1988, from the collection of Hans Schulz

Das Haus der Familie Lang heute

Photo: The house of the Lang family today

Ernest und Esther Lang

Photo: Ernest and Esther Lang in November 2008 in front of the former family property in Bertholdstrasse 22, Klosterpassage