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Jüdisches Leben in Schleusingen

The Süßmann Family

Recha Süssman, née Walther was born on 9.10.1877 in Hildburghausen. On October 2, 1933 she moved from Hildburghausen to Schleusingen, Mühlenstraße 18. Her sisters Gertrud Heim and Hedwig Götz lived in the town with their husband Moses. After the forced aarization of the office building of Moses Götz in Bertholdstraße 15, the sisters Gertrud and Hedwig moved with Moses to Berlin-Charlottenburg in 1939. Recha emigrated to Argentina with a passport issued in Schleusingen on April 4, 1938.

Recha Süssman

Photo: Recha Süssman